Beehive Homes of Granbury

1900 Acton Hwy
Granbury, TX, 76049

Call for personalized pricing, availability, and touring 1 (844) 302-3301

If you would like to discuss employment, business-related inquiries, or inquire about a current resident, call this line: (866) 657-3621


Monthly rates start at
$4,552 per month*
3 Reviews

Care Types

  • Assisted Living

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Beehive Homes of Granbury

1900 Acton Hwy, Granbury, TX, 76049

*Prices are monthly rental estimates. Actual prices may differ due to one-time fees, timing and care services required. Speak with a Senior Living Advisor to learn more.

Beehive Homes of Granbury

1900 Acton Hwy, Granbury, TX, 76049

Welcome to Beehive Homes of Granbury, an Assisted Living community located in Granbury, Texas. The cost of the assisted living community at Beehive Homes of Granbury starts at a monthly rate of $2,565 to $6,540. There may be some additional services that could increase the cost of care, depending on the services that you may need.

There are 6 hospitals within 25 miles of Beehive Homes of Granbury. The two closest hospitals are Lake Granbury Medical Center which is 3.0 miles away and Glen Rose Medical Center which is 13.6 miles away.

Services and Amenities

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*I certify that this review is based on my own experiences and is my genuine opinion of this community, that I have no business relationship with this community and that I have not been offered any incentive from this community to write this review.


Melinda J September 2022

I love Bee Hive! They are small (16 residents max) so my Dad gets lots of personal care. The manager & staff are awesome.

Lindsey Bailey September 2022

My grandmother was at the Beehive in Granbury for a 2 week respite stay. They provided great care to her. They were able to help get her medications straightened out and that helped her when she was able to go home. The meals were appealing and tasty. They try to promote independence while also prov...

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Caring Niece September 2022

I toured Beehive Homes of Granbury. The lady who showed me around was very helpful and kind. I appreciated the number of things that were done as a basic part of the fee that was given. There would not be an add-on, like helping with the shower and so forth. It was good to hear. It was a good plac...

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Beehive Homes of Granbury

1900 Acton Hwy, Granbury, TX, 76049


Call or Chat Call 1 (844) 302-3301

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